I dreamed of parties with tea and different big people and little creatures and even little people all through the night
And I woke or did I wake to find myself walking into the wild
Have I just gone totally bonkers..... Am I MAD.....
And I remember something I heard once in a story......
.................Yes Wendy, you are indeed MAD..... but remember .. all of the best people are...
Walking...walking, dancing ..the cold wet morning grass feels lovely under my bare feet...and who is that... oh it is just you NaNoook... A fuzzy friendly face
Nipping at my toes... and what is that just below the tree... could it be .. that infamous hole that leads to so many of my other adventures... Yes maybe ... oh why not..... Lets just jump into it this time... Falling is for amateurs....but I guess I could fal a little....Fall into love that is.....with that wonderfully mad character that I met here before....I hear his voice calling to me... oh so very softly.. to follow....
We are to have the most glorious and wonderfully Mad Tea Party , you know. And the lovely Ms. Vanessa over at A Fanciful Twist is a Wonderfully Mad and Beautiful Creature for Hosting our Party today. Thank you V and you have made so many beautiful people smile today.... Lets keep going we must be on our way.
Here goes....One, two, and threeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee......Such a long way down and all the things we see on the way.....
with a loud BUMP.... I land and begins the WONDER.....
I know that door is around here somewhere... Is that it
There it is.... Now where is that key... Oh look he left it for me.
Beautiful.....Oh how wonderful...That must be for me.....
The door creeks just as it always did, as the hinges twist and an opening appears to the most wonderful land of enchantment, mystery, adventure, and whimsy that you will ever see.... Shall we go, come on and take my hand.
I am sure to have many follow me through this very same door today...
There is the Enchanted Garden. Hello Lady Sunflower, and Miss Zinnia..."You are looking ravishing today, as the light twinkles off your petals. I see everyone is dressed for the wonderful occassion.
and look it is the little mushroom houses
We are almost there. To him. To his wonderfully lovely hide-a-way, that he created just for me and you. It is such a sight to see. It is where we come to play and dream... and imagine.... Please, please come in .... you are so very invited to play and dream here as well. And look!
Who could that be but that little waistcoated White Rabbit himself.
"Oh dear Mr. Rabbit, we have tried to be on time, and I see you are not late either" And of course we are always on time because the clocks never are....
And look through the wonderful door. There is more,more, oh there is so much wonderfully more.
There are dresses for dress up, in all sizes and colors.
There are hat racs for hanging your hats
And a quaint little seat for sitting. And I believe those are the red queens gloves( oh yes, she is here, besides what is a mad tea party without a few flying heads, but I assure you it will only be in a good way. We must all lose our heads every now and then.)
And here is a wonderful friend of mine
Hard Candy- She is of the very naughty type. But she is soooo much fun on most every other night. If there is someone hanging from the rafters later, it's more than likely her, scouting for someone to date her.
And here is Princess Sophia. She is always around. If she is not here, she is shopping in town. "What's that, My Lady. Oh you need a hat soon. I have one, would you like it with ribbons or plume. Or maybe the fur of a fox, it would go lovely with your jewelry(she wears every piece in her box) There is so much more to show you. Look this way and see. I am sure I saw our table all ready for you and me.
There is a cup for Tea and if your hungry , start snackin...... But my favorite will come later
When we all >>>>>>>>*******FUTTERWACKEN******<<<<<<<<
Ok so you have made it and I have so much more to share, so stop in and stop out and grab yourself a chair. There will be festivities all day. So on your way to other parties make sure to stop in and play.
I have four little hatters to wake up from their beds, and get them quite dandy with their hats on their heads.
Oh the Hatters are up and clothes are flying, Hats are being grabbed, and sashes are being tied. Meet some of the guest that have already arrived.....
Oh look it is Alice, well we do have more than one. Oh yes... It is ok... They are all the same, or different, or or they not quite anything at all alike... Oh well... nothing is as it seems,
A couple of lovely faces.
I think I do see another alice, and a little white rabbit.
See what the tea does to you. This was a picture from a tea party a few years back. Positively Maaaadddddd.
Would you like a cup of tea, or a bit of cake
Have a cake, or have two, but if you have more.... You may grow and touch the ceiling or shrink to the floor. But isn't that really what Tea Parties are for....
Have some tea. One lump of sugar or two....or if your me how bout twenty. Really I do love sugar, but I guess twenty is plenty..
I love this tea pot dont you..
A recipe from that Mad Hatter himself...
***************************Recipe for Hot Tea ( aka Uncold Tea)******************************
Start at the beginning (and when you come to the end....stop) Use
1 teaspoon per 8oz. of water and steep for 3 to 4 minutes (we
recommend your clock be two days slow). Move down the table
to get a clean cup.
I picked up some on our trip last week. It's from the man himself, with the instructions, and a few extra tidbits. It was such a delight to run into He, Alice, and the White Rabbit too, and we even had a few spins on those wonderfully dizzy tea cups.
We have jars and jars of all levels of madness. From JUST A LITTLE NUTTY... TO COMPLETELY BONKERS.....AND OF COURSE MAD AS A HATTER.....
Sprinkle a little or sprinkle alot, in your tea, on your cake, on your hat, or all over..
Jugglers.. Ballerinas... All came to play...
You can even take a ride on a Carousel Horse today....
This merry go round goes wherever and in whichever direction you wish...
Oh look the fairies have arrived. There is Pippin, Lavender, Queen Poppyseed, and Betty....
What is that.. A little cake, and A little mushroom, and what a strange teapot. I love it.
Pitter Patter, Clitter Clatter, Laughter and Glee, Funny Noises and Such a sight to see. Here they come, all shapes, all sizes, oh yes it is them, The most handsome Mad Hatters. They have come to join in on the fun. Let me show you a picture when they were quite little, already practicing... oh and yes they had wings at that time
Even the White Rabbit was quite small back then and so were the hats.
Oh look it is the magic bird bath, where the Mad Hatters play,
They usually are dancing around and causing mishief all day.
I hear them about, and I hear them getting loud, They have come prepared to decorate their own way
They look like they are ready to get into some trouble,
they said to be ready on the double...
They are quite mad, dont let those innocent faces fool you because before you know it, they will give it to you.
What's that. Here it comes . Watch out
Silly string, and poppers
GOTCHA.... and oops look at the Garden... Oh don't worry the flowers love it.
Whats that you say. Oh no we do not paint the roses red today, we paint them red, yellow, blue, orange, green, purple, and all the other colors of the rainbow....
What wonderful Hatters, and they all are completely bonkers!!!! They have emptied their cans and popped their poppers and think they are ready for some refreshments. Lets go.
Hatter Jon-Jon says "Follow me this way"
Hatter Justin and Hatter Jaden agree, while Mr. Big Hatter no.1 is making the tea. and little Hatter Jared is watching TV.
Every Hatter seems to be enjoying the tea and cakes, and cookies, and cupcakes, and bakliva, and everything else we can find to toss on a plate, or into the air...
It is finally here, that moment you have all been waiting for and trust me it is a site to see.
We have so many more festivities, but right now it is..............................
.................................FUTTERWACKIN TIME..............................
Oh we also have some more wonderful guest, a few give aways and some collossal Hat stackin as well...... Thank you again Vanessa at
A Fanciful Twist. I just love you..... Please stop by and visit her site, so you can make your way to some more wonderful tea parties this week.
Ok our guest are coming. Look through the woods, they are so excited to play...
It is Princess Savanna and Princess Maddie and look it is young hatter Jon Jon leading the way. They are all mad as well. Mad with delight as they come to join us.
The Princesses are enjoying the cupcakes very much, and "What is that, of course you can have more tea.Oh and of course you two would like a sprinkle of what's that COMPLETELY OUT OF CONTROL. Of course." Lots and lots of sprinkles ot that.
Such wonderful tea. Is that your 8th cup Oh yes please do have more, you dont have to stop.
Little Hatter Oscar would love more tea,and what is that. Oh your lovely invitation from Ms V over at A Fanciful Twist. It does go great in tea.
Yes. He is Absolutely, Certifiable. We need a padded room. This little hatter is Bonkers. LOve it.
It is time to play with hats,
How many hats is this, One, two..... Eight, Nine....Whoooooaaaa lets try more.....
Twelve,Thirtee, Fourteen, Fifteen...... oh it is the leaning tower of Hatsa...
they are going to fall!!!!! WATCHHHHH
Oh you just have to giggle, we all giggle and it is so much fun to giggle and wiggle and twirl around and that makes me want to TOSS A HAT!!!!!!! anddddd
FUDDERWACKIN SOME MORE..... Lets all Futterwackin, and toss your teacups and sauce your saucers, Oh this is soooo very much fun, and it is positively Maaaddddddd in here and out there. I hope your parties are bringing you as much laughter and smiles as this one is bringing to all of us. How about a giveaway******
Yes everyone so loves a giveaway.Two chances to win. First leave a comment...easy easy... Oh you want more of a chance... Well then just Follow my blog and all the adventures we have here.
1. First Surprise
How about an adorable stuffed heart, with vintage picture. So shabby and cute
2. Second Surprise
How about this wonderful collage charm/pendant. It would look adorable as a necklace, bracelet, or keychain, or anyhwere you put it
3. Thrid Surprise
How about a Wonderful mixed media altered collage of Alice and that wonderful little potion that let her enter into her magical world. I love this so, and hate to let an Alice go, but she does love adventure so much, and I shall let her take another with you.
"Hey CHESS, I knew you would show more than that grin when you heard about the giveaway. Sorry my friend but you do not qualify. I will let you wear my hat though."
Please join in on the giveaway, and good luck. Each Hatter will pour a name randomly from a teapot into a hat. I hope it will be you, or you, or maybe even you( oh you are a rabbit..wait a minute"Mr White Rabbit you cannot put your name in, but good try"
I hope you had a Wonderfully , Curiously, and Positively Mad time at our Party today, and you are invited back anytime to share in the Madness. If you ever want a laugh, or to role around on the floor giggling, or maybe just to toss a few teacups and drink some tea, than please do come back anytime. We so loved having you, and we end the evening by partying with the moon himself. And he is so full this lovely tea party night
Come back for the night time extravaganza*>*>*>*>*>*>>>
So at last or at first this years Tea Party hosted by the lovely Vanessa at A Fanciful Twist has come to it's final explosion and didn't we go out with a bang. But the magic here never really ends, and we really never knew when it started, but it goes on daily, and parties are always happening and lots of times of the Tea Party variety, and yes every one of them is at least a little Mad.
One more thing, I would like to dedicate today's Mad Tea Party ,at my end of the magical forest to my Sister Candy. She was definitely a Wonderfully Mad Hatter and quite Bonkers herself. I miss her dreadfully, but know her spirit is here with me everyday, and today she would be doing a little Futterwackin herself with some air under her feet. I love you Candy girl and your tea cup will stay full and your candle lit bright the entire day......
I love you sis.