Well Hello you fellow cupcake eatin cuties.
I am Calamity Cupcake.
...Ok Calamity you better behave.
Oh no Maam. Tomorrow is Valentines Day and I am going to eat as many cupcakes as I can. I have seen so many scrumptious looking cupcakes.
With buttercream icing, and pink frosting, and little sugar hearts, and red hots, and you name it....There are soooooooo many.
I just have to have a little taste of each and every one.
Ok Little Miss C.... Just because you have bigger hair than me doesn't mean you are going to eat all my delicious cupcakes.
Oh alright. I will share.
Well dear readers and fellow cupcake eatin chickys... Put on your favorite tutu or poofy dress ( just perfect for cupcake eating)
Put on your shiniest shoes and stripy stockings.
And A HAT ( you can never forget the hat)
and join me on Valentines for a few too many Cupcakes.
Little Miss C is going to wear her lovely pink polka dotty dress and her shiny red shoes for the occasion. And she promises not to eat all the cupcakes.
Oh...... And there will be a Surprise to some lucky Cupcake cutie tomorrow.
See you there.