Late oh my, as usual am I
Are you no way as long as you are here today
The hands keep spinning but they go the right way.
Or is it the wrong way. Or is there a right or wrong way
If they continue to spin then the time will be the perfect time you are supposed to arrive anyways
And of course it is for A Tea Party of the Maddest sort
Welcome to the Other side of Wonderland
I am Wenifred Delaney Nicholsby
Shall we go together....Try not to ..ooops
well you could yell whatever you like for the next few minutes
We shall be falling for awhile
Well one should always land with a good thump
No lets unstraighten ourselves out,
Oh how lovely my new shoes look for this wonderous occasion
Lets see. Hum. Where did I put that key.
Oh there you are. Well now I have to find the Door
Here we go
Just a few more little clicks and we will...There it is.
Kind of a tight squeeze but just think small
Ooohhhh We made it.
Lets put this away for later
I think we can see something over that way
Oh yes I believe I see the hats now
and some lovely little tea cups
One here one there
Oh my goodness
they are indeed everywhere
The tables have been turned over and the chairs have been thrown in the trees
And the teapots are full of sugar and the cups are stacked
Would you like to take a swing, or a seat or you could even take a branch if you would like
Hang upside down if it please you maybe
I think I will rest my bottom half upon a Toad Stool
It looks as if The White Rabbit and a Spirited Friend have beat us to
the Toadstools
These two seem to be having a spectacular time.
Lets see if we can listen in on their conversation
"We spent the evening draping spider webs back and forth
through the tree branches
"Oh Dearest White Rabbit, you should have seen it
We loved watching those prissy pink fairies trip right over them while flying by
Ertrisipy dropped ever bit of tulip nectar she had collected
Right upon ole GOL TROPS head
Oh he was a fearful mess after that"
White Rabbit you look stunning today in your tea party attire
A cookie, a cake, a sweet a few, or maybe just some spoonful of sugar
I love spoonfuls of sugar
Oh my dearest goodness. I think I must of had tooo much sugar
Everything seems to be getting larger or am I growing smaller
I always seem to get myself in a Peanut butter
Or is that a Jam
(either one is pretty sticky)
Hello up there White Rabbit
Now where is that Tea cup of mine.
Oh goodness. It is as big as me
Or I am as small as it
How am I supposed to climb to the top of the table with this
Where is a Giant when you need one
Oh there is Dear Alice
Hello my Wonderland friend
Looking a little windblown there arent we
Where is That Love of mine.
There he is
OH Hatter
I should have known you would be hanging around up there
I am so excited that the rest of you have joined us for this soiree
The clothing you wear is of the most Spectacular sorts
I love your hat your coat and your lovely tea shoes
I wore my special leg lovlies just for you
and Hats oh my,
it would not do to just wear one, so I mostly wear two
Have another cup of Tea
Everyone looks unseated, but comfortable sitting
The elves are enjoying the tea and the sweets
Oh my goodness
what is this
He is covered in cake
I think I will take a seat in this cozy cup
OH hello Mr Goose
Yes you may turn somersaults or roll upon the fluffy grass
run around with a tablecloth held high above your head
yelling " Curtains for the Queen"
if you please.
And the music plays on and we sing a song
"tiddley wink ado ado
tiddley wink adee adee
sprinkle stars from atop the moon
while stirring the big blue sea"
You seem like you have a long way to go these next few days
And your journey may be full of much tea
and all sorts of shenanigans
so I bid you Farewell and may your way be curvy
and up and down
and even in some spots Flipped all around
but may it be an Adventure to tell all about
Take some tea for your travels and a spoon as well
for future sugar bowls
Oh and here is a wishing star
I wish for you a most Wonderfully Wonderful Adventure
Thank you Miss V for hosting once again such a Wonderfully Enchanted Party
and Thank you
Yes you
for falling into the hole that led you to the Other side of Wonderland
on this Strangest of Days
May I say
It was a Most Wonderously Mad Tea
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Wendy from Wonderland